Losing the War
The following gem comes from the user manual of the spanky-new Sony Ericsson
K770i (3G) mobile phone.
It demonstrates amply the state of the art in software engineering as
of 2007.
Continue reading "Losing the War"
Last modified: Tuesday, January 1, 2008 4:51 pm
Many Ways to Skin a Window
Every couple of years,
users of a Microsoft Windows application I wrote a long time ago
start complaining that the application crashes when they exit from it.
Every time it turns out that the reason is a Windows message that tells
the application's main window to close
in a way that was not originally foreseen.
Continue reading "Many Ways to Skin a Window"
Last modified: Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:15 pm
Global Web Site Redirect
I recentry moved UMLGraph to its
own dedicated web site.
After the move a friend pointed out that all the links in
Martin Fowler's web page on
UmlSketchingTools would now stop working.
Continue reading "Global Web Site Redirect"
Last modified: Saturday, December 8, 2007 8:55 am