Two More Years of Wikipedia Data
Following a study that my colleague Panagiotis Louridas and I published in the August 2008 issue of the Communications of the ACM, Victor Grishchenko gave me a copy of a complete Wikipedia dump covering 2006 and 2007 (enwiki-20080103-pages-meta-history.xml.7z). Over the past four days I reran the study on this new data set.
A related Wikipedia discussion remarked that
being based only on February 2006 data means that [the study] missed the growth-mode transition that happened around September 2006, when the exponential phase of growth ended.Fortunatelly, the new results I obtained from the dataset that ended on January 2008 don't appear to differ from the ones based on the study's 2006 data set. Here are the corresponding charts; refer to the article for the original charts and explainations.