A Peek at Beautiful Code
An exciting new book is about to hit the shelves, and I consider myself very lucky to be among its contributors. Beautiful Code, subtitled "leading programmers explain how they think", contains 33 chapters where contributors describe some code they consider noteworthy. Although I don't consider myself worthy of the book's subtitle, I love coding, and I'm extremely happy that code is taking the leading role among such an illustrious cast. Here is the complete table of the book's contents.
- A Regular Expression Matcher
Brian Kernighan - Subversion's Tree-Delta Editor Interface
Karl Fogel - Adding Function by Deleting Code
Jon Bentley - Finding Things
Tim Bray - Verifying XML
Elliotte Rusty Harold - Ward Cunningham's Framework for Integrated Test
Michael Feathers - Beautiful Testing
Alberto Savoia - On-the-Fly Code Generation for Image Processing
Charles Petzold - Top Down Operator Precedence
Douglas Crockford - Population Count
Henry Warren - Cryptonite
Ashish Gulhati - Growing Beautiful Code in BioPerl
Lincoln Stein - A Gene Sorter
Jim Kent - A Look at Gaussian Elimination for the Solution of Linear Equations
Jack Dongarra and Piotr Luszczek - Beautiful Numerics
Adam Kolawa - The Linux Kernel Driver Model
Greg Kroah-Hartman - Another Level of Indirection
Diomidis Spinellis - An Examination of Python's Dictionary Implementation
Andrew Kuchling - Multi-Dimensional Iterators in NumPy
Travis Oliphant - The Collaborative Information Portal for NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Ronald Mak - ERP5: Designing for Maximum Adaptability
Rogerio de Carvalho and Rafael Monnerat - A Thimbleful of Sewage
Bryan Cantrill - MapReduce
Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat - Beautiful Concurrency
Simon Peyton Jones - Programmable Syntax
Kent Dybvig - Object-Oriented Patterns and Framework for Networked Software
William Otte and Doug Schmidt - Integrating Business Partners the RESTful Way
Andrew Patzer - Beautiful Debugging
Andreas Zeller - TBD
Yukihiro Matsumoto and Nevin Thompson - Designing Interfaces Under Extreme Constraints: the Stephen Hawking editor
Arun Mehta - Emacspeak: The Complete Audio Desktop
TV Raman - Code in Motion
Christopher Seiwald and Laura Wingerd - An Extreme Makeover in Computational Geometry
Brian Hayes